
Fenice For Twitter

I have co-authored Fenice For Twitter 5 with Alessandro Spisso (@ilGianfri) from April 2020 to this day. Fenice For Twitter 5 is a paid Twitter client for Windows, written in C# and for the Universal Windows Platform. It is available for Desktop, HoloLens, Surface Hub, and Xbox.

UUP Media Creator

UUP Media Creator is a project whose goal is to write a fully featured client / tool set to download Windows OS builds from Windows Update, and produce ISO images out of the downloaded files. It is fully Open Source, and is currently used by people and sites for automation of downloading builds. It is available on Github.


LumiaWOA is a project aiming to port Windows Desktop for ARM64 Processor (also known as Windows On Arm (WoA)) to the now defunct Lumia 950 XL and Lumia 950 devices (released in 2015). I have contributed to the project by maintaining the driver repository, helping port a few drivers from engineering images of various prototype devices, and contributed to the custom EDK2 UEFI written by @imbushuo. You can find the organization for this project on Github.

Past Projects


InteropTools was an application designed for Windows 10 Mobile, allowing users to edit the registry of Windows 10 Mobile (which normally does not allow this). It was fully written in C# for the Universal Windows Platform. Originally closed source, I decided to make it Open Source later in 2020 on Github.


RT4Lumia was a community project aiming to port Windows RT to various Windows Phone devices, I have lost interest in this project (other than moderating the community still) due to ARM32 being outdated today and LumiaWOA replacing it.